Sunday, December 1, 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel

This evening I planted the foot hard going up the garage steps and broke a mess of stuff on top of a cabinet during the process as I tried to catch myself and keep my body weight off of the healing knee.  That marks the 4th time in 4 weeks that I've slipped up on that, and the 2nd time that it happened on those steps.  I go up and down flights of stairs at work but those damn 4 garage steps continue to intimidate me.

What a great feeling that welled up inside me today as we drove home from a day spent in Raleigh.  I was hungry to ride my bike again, and I'm very hopeful that after next week's visit with the doctor I will be able to remount my beloved Merle III the P3 and get to work on this pathetic mound of a gut I've acquired during this process of growing cartilage anew.  But it is a deeply hopeful feeling and I'm energized in the thought of riding again.  Oh, and swimming too.  But yeah, riding moreso.

I'm exhausted of the crutches, and I've nearly worn out my welcome using them as an excuse to lay around in utter laziness while Angie puts up with it.

Anyway, I'll live.  Happy holidays, everyone!

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